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Lobbying the House of Lords
A short form doc that represents the voices of communities living alongside trophy hunting.
Trophy hunting presents a multifaceted challenge, from human-wildlife conflict, arguments over income generation, the disputed science of culling to support healthy populations of animals and the ethical and moral concerns of hunting trophic species for enjoyment. Regardless of one's stance on the debate around managing wildlife populations, the grim trade catering to affluent individuals who hunt superstar animals like lions, tigers and elephants solely for photo opportunities and taxidermy, turns the stomach of most. The UK, with a historical backdrop of hunting from a neocolonial aspect, faces hurdles in passing legislation to ban trophy imports due to vested interests. Some UK scientists argue that hunting fosters coexistence, but this reasoning falters in the face of artificial boundaries and insufficient data across unfenced reserves, notably in Tanzania and Kenya. The ethical shortcomings persist, prompting a need for alternative wildlife management strategies, as demonstrated by Botswana. Our documentary for Humane Society UK focuses on communities residing near some hunting-permitted reserves, aiming to debunk myths surrounding the purported benefits of trophy hunting for local populations and the local ethics and values they attach to animals that live alongside them. This film was used as part of a lobbying pack to help Lords understand the picture from African countries.